Claire Elliott
February 20, 2010 – October 16, 2019
Claire was 8 years old and lived in Meridian, Idaho. She was diagnosed with DIPG on 11/23/2018. This was just one day after Thanksgiving.
She was in 3rd grade and loved every minute being at school and around her friends. She loved science and had a passion for animals. She loved dogs, llamas, and unicorns. She was a creative little girl who created slime and gave back to others. She expressed herself in her art in various forms.
She was beautiful inside and out, she was truly a gem and a true warrior. She continued to teach people about what true courage was and has become my personal hero.
As time went on she stayed strong and positive. She was amazing and I wish for the world to know her and about her struggle.
Claire’s father,
Brett Elliott