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2025 Post-doctoral Fellowship Grant
Safiulla Syed, Recipient
University of Michigan
Mentor: Alnawaz Rehemtulla and Wajd Al-Holou
Targeting Mechanisms of Treatment Resistance in Diffuse Midline Glioma
H3K27M altered tumors are a common type of diffuse midline glioma(DMG)/diffuse intrinsic
pontine glioma (DIPG). These tumors are lethal and form as a result of abnormal mutated brain
cells that grow out of control and expand through the brain and brainstem. Despite aggressive
treatment with radiation, these tumors continue to grow and relapse very quickly. In our laboratory,
we have identified a gene that is turned on in these tumors that is likely responsible for this poor
response to therapy and its quick relapse. Now that Dr. Syed and his team have identified
this gene, they aim to study it further and identify its vulnerabilities. If Dr. Syed can
understand how this gene protects the cancer cells, he can then create new treatments that will
attack the cancer and hopefully improve outcomes for patients.