ChadTough Defeat DIPG remains committed to driving progress in the battle against DIPG through innovative initiatives. Among these, the Diffuse Midline Glioma – Adaptive Combinatorial Trial (DMG-ACT) stands out as a first of its kind collaborative effort, with ChadTough Defeat DIPG contributing over $1.9 million to date to support its groundbreaking research.
Recently, the PNOC team convened in Madrid alongside the DMG-ACT collaborators from March 3-5, 2024, to address key challenges in developing new therapies and advancing platform trials. The Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium (PNOC), led by the University of California San Francisco, is a global initiative encompassing 10 countries and 47 institutions. PNOC’s mission is to challenge existing paradigms and accelerate the development of transformative therapies accessible to children and young adults worldwide.
During the meeting, discussions focused on new platform trial designs and strategies to promote global accessibility to innovative treatments. Specimens and data from PNOC trials are seamlessly integrated into the Children’s Brain Tumor Network database in real-time, facilitating discovery and enhancing collaboration among researchers.
The DMG-ACT represents a significant step forward in the quest to combat DIPG. By leveraging collective expertise and resources, these initiatives are poised to revolutionize the landscape of pediatric brain tumor research and bring hope to countless families affected by this devastating disease. ChadTough Defeat DIPG proudly stands alongside PNOC in their mission to transform the future for children battling DIPG.