Charlie Rimmer
June 5, 2014 – August 4, 2017
Charlie was 11 and a half when she was diagnosed with DIPG after passing out at school.
Charlie was a happy bubbly girl, just starting her first year at high school. We put Charlie on a sugar free and a green organic diet and cannabis oil. We were hoping to get Charlie to Germany for immunotherapy, as I didn’t want to put Charlie through all the other trials, which seemed to be so hard on kids. Charlie’s professor said Charlie was always in a good way and didn’t think we should start messing with the tumor while it was stable.
Charlie lived a great life and we did all the stuff Charlie wanted to do crammed into a year. We had never told Charlie that she had a death sentence. Like everyone else we hoped we could cure her!
After a year we were told Charlie had another tumor on the other side of her brain, and would only live a few more weeks, and that Germany was definitely out of the question. Charlie started developing Baird’s vision around 13 months. She started to get a bit clumsy on her feet and started to get tired walking around. She had started to use a chair to get around outside, and began deteriorating little by little after that.
On the 3rd of August 2017 Charlie woke as normal, but started getting sick towards the end of the day. She continued to be sick throughout the night and had serious pain in her head the next day, and was having small seizures. As the day went on the pain got worse, and the nurses were on standby to control her pain. Charlie started having bigger seizures and a rapid heart beat. She left us for heaven that day, and was surrounded by all her family in the comfort of her own home.