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ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation Awards
Two New Fellowship Grants for DIPG Research

The ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation, along with their Family Partners, has awarded two new Fellowships through their grant program, with a total new commitment of $300,000 over two years. These Fellowships are designed to encourage outstanding postdoctoral fellows, under the guidance of an experienced mentor, to help develop the next generation of leaders in DIPG research.  Over the last four years, the foundation has awarded 12 Fellowship grants.

The two new Fellowship grants have been awarded to Mateus Mota, University of Michigan and Andrew Groves, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Mateus Mota, University of Michigan

Andrew Groves, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Awards are based on a rigorous review by the foundation’s Scientific Advisory Council, which is composed of leading experts on DIPG, to ensure funds are used for the most promising research studies.  These grants mark the latest ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation grant program investments in innovative DIPG research projects, bringing the total DIPG research funding through the grant program to more than $16 million since 2017. ChadTough Defeat DIPG New Investigator and Research grants announcements are expected in Spring 2021.

Click here to learn more about research grants awarded through the ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation grant program.