Jason, originally from a small suburb near Chicago, embarked on a journey of self-discovery after high school, taking on various odd jobs while traveling the United States. In his late 20s, he found his calling in engineering and pursued his education while working at a national lab in Chicago. Completing both his BS and MS degrees in Aerospace Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Jason’s career trajectory eventually led him to an incredible opportunity at KLA-Tencor’s Ann Arbor facility, where he now leads a technology program and engineering group.
Despite his demanding career, Jason finds solace and purpose in his role as a father to his sweet son, who resides in Chicago with his mother. With a love for swimming, art, and video games, his son’s joy serves as a constant inspiration for Jason.
Jason was introduced to the ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation through a friend, Lisa, who worked with the Chad Carr Pediatric Brain Tumor Center. Intrigued by their work and inspired by his love for running, Jason participated in RunTough in 2023, where he witnessed firsthand the impact of the foundation’s support for patients and their families. This experience planted the seed for Jason’s decision to choose ChadTough as his fundraising partner for the upcoming Run Woodstock 100 mile ultra race, where he will be challenged to run 100 miles in under 30 hours.
As Jason’s training progresses steadily, with weekly mileage increasing to prepare for the grueling race in September, he remains focused on his goal while also utilizing the opportunity to raise awareness and support for ChadTough.
Jason’s journey from odd jobs to ultra running is not just about personal achievement; it’s about making a difference in the lives of others. With each step of his training and every mile of the race, Jason embodies the spirit of resilience and determination, standing in solidarity with ChadTough and the families they serve.
To make a contribution or see Jason’s training updates, visit here (scroll down).