November 29, 2002 – May 4, 2017
Diagnosed: January 8, 2016
Written by Julia’s mother
My daughter Julia Barocio was diagnosed with DIPG, an aggressive brain tumor, on Friday January 8th, 2016. She was rushed to Kaiser sunset due to the symptoms she was experiencing since August 2015 that were misdiagnosed as sinus infection. On Tuesday, January 12th she had a brain hemorrhage that resulted in several neurological deficits that led to paralysis on the left side of her body. She was unable to get out of bed or able to eat. She was barely responsive and appeared to be sedated. It has been the most heart wrenching experience as her mother to watch this illness hurt my baby.
The current treatment for this illness is chemotherapy and radiation.
Julia will be successful in beating this illness with the help of all our friends and family prayers. God will heal my little girl. She is fighting hard and showing dramatic recovery signs, shocking all the medical staff. Keep praying to give her strength and courage to win this battle.
Julia has named her tumor Bob. So let’s pray that Julia kicks Bob’s Butt!
Julia was a generous, fun and compassionate teen. She loved life and enjoyed taking care of others. She played volleyball, softball and soccer and was the student body president at her middle school. She was diagnosed with DIPG in January 2016. She fought for over a year enduring so many challenges. She was finally at peace in May 2017 when she gained her angel wings.