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Our kids inspire us to fight to defeat DIPG.

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Donation Total: $60.00 One Time

Family Partner

May 2, 2016 – December 15, 2022

Diagnosed January 18, 2022

Written by Maggie’s family

Before diagnosis, Maggie was a kindergartner who loved to dance, go to gymnastics, and named PE, library, and recess as her favorite parts of school. After diagnosis, she loved those very same things, except she also had a brain tumor. 

From the first day of her diagnosis, we committed to giving Maggie as many good days as we possibly could. While navigating 6 weeks of radiation and post radiation clinical trials, Maggie enjoyed spending time with friends, going to dance class, swimming, and being a Frankfort Falcons cheerleader (an organization she equated to an NFL level team). She attended school up until 2 days before she died peacefully at home. She loved being a part of her community.

Maggie was funny and kind; somehow both sweet and incredibly sassy. She could charm anyone with her sparkling personality and lit up every room she walked into. She had a knack for telling poop jokes at the most inappropriate times and had a laugh that could warm anyone’s heart. She loved to paint and remnants of her projects are still covering our kitchen and dining room tables. When she died she left behind a trail of kindness, confetti, and glitter. 

We were so grateful for the information ChadTough provided throughout our DIPG journey. We often consulted the website during the early days when we were trying to grasp precisely what we were facing and how we could possibly help our daughter. The My DIPG Navigator program was exactly what we needed while attempting to understand clinical trial options and outcomes. For these reasons, we’ve chosen to continue to support ChadTough even after our need for these services is no longer there. We hope through our work to support ChadTough we can begin to make Maggie proud, although that pride will never touch just how proud we are to be her parents.

What is DIPG?

DIPG is a devastating and aggressive brain tumor typically found in children.

What is ChadTough Defeat DIPG?

Learn about our founders, mission, and impact.