January 28, 2004 – August 4, 2016
Diagnosed: May 1, 2015
Written by Natasha
An Entry from Natasha’s Blog
May 8, 2015: The Beginning
As most of you know this entire week has been quite a shock…on Friday May 1st 2015 my mom had to take me to the hospital. I had been feeling weakness in my left arm and leg and started seeing double vision. When we got to the hospital they gave me an MRI right away, which was really scary and it sucked!! They told me the MRI was only going to take 30 minutes but when they saw my brain they kept me there for an hour and a half. They had found a tumour near the healthy tissues of my brainstem. They diagnosed it as DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) which is a cancerous tumour that is really hard to treat.
It was overwhelming at first because my parents came back from talking with the doctors and had tears in their eyes. I was terrified with what the results could have been, I had many thoughts of diseases in my mind but not once did I think a brain tumour or cancer. With my initial reaction, I was waiting for someone to say “April Fools” but I then realized that it was May 1st and that time was over. It would have been a nasty joke but I was praying with all my heart that that was what was going on. My mom and dad were there that day every step of the way supporting me and even the doctors gave me a baby needle for the IV.
Still shocked, I went home, had a bath and tried to relax. Not too long after my brother came in crying, and I think he was more scared then I was. He went for a bike ride to blow off some steam and I waited patiently for him to come home so we could talk. This whole incident hit my family like a rock to the head, but the next day was even harder. At least 20 people came through my house with support, love and hugs.
On Monday I went to school for the morning and telling my friends was the hardest of them all. Many tears were shed that day and all because of a stupid brain tumour!! My friends that I have known the longest were the most difficult to tell, I had to be soft on them but still get the point across. Everyone kept on telling me that I wasn’t going to die and that it was nobody’s fault, but I think it is easier to blame someone or something then accept it as bad luck. I had a hard time understanding that it was only bad luck and God did not put this upon me but that we will help take it away. After me and my friends finally accepted it, we went on our day like normal, like nothing was wrong. We laughed, we smiled and we lived on.
I think the most supportive person out of all of this would be my older cousin, Chelsea. She has been there beside me since the beginning and always brings on a good laugh, she understands what I am going through because throughout her life she has had 2 open heart surgeries. Once when she was a baby and once when she was 15, she knows it’s not easy but she knows it can be dealt with. All my cousins and my mom put up a Facebook post asking everyone to pray for God to heal me. it went viral the first couple of days and before you knew it, everyone was praying.
I am so thankful for all the love and support everyone has been giving me and would like to thank everyone who has been nice and supported me through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc.
I would love everyone to follow my blog and I will be taking everyone with me through this journey. I will write another entry on Tuesday Night.
12 year old Natasha Rose Gould, of Calgary, Alberta, was received by God at 7:30pm, August 4 2016. She passed peacefully in her home, surrounded by her family and friends.
Much Love,
Natasha Rose xoxo
Natasha’s Speech at Curefest
To learn more about Natasha and read her blog, please visit https://www.prayfornatasha.squarespace.com or https://www.facebook.com/prayfornatasha