September Is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Did you know brain cancer is now the #1 cancer killer of children? Still, less than 1% of federal cancer research funding goes to pediatric brain cancer research. We believe kids deserve more.
May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month (#GoGray), and September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (#GoGold). But we believe children fighting brain cancer should be recognized all year long, and we invite our supporters to #GoGoldAndGrayEveryDay.
In partnership with pediatric brain tumor families and supporters across the country, the ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation and our Family Partners are taking a stand to save the lives of kids battling brain cancer. By coordinating efforts, we amplify our voices to increase awareness and critical research funding for all pediatric brain tumors.
It’s an easy way for everyone to show their support for kids fighting DIPG and all brain tumors. It’s a way to raise awareness that we need to get tough to #DefeatDIPG by looking and fighting for a cure #EveryDay. Brain tumors are the leading cause of death by disease for kids in the United States. DIPG accounts for 10% of all pediatric brain tumors but nearly 50% of all pediatric brain cancer deaths. DIPG most commonly affects kids between the ages of 5-9 years old, has a typical survival time of 9 months from diagnosis, and an overall survival rate of nearly 0%.
- Follow ChadTough Defeat DIPG Foundation on social media and share!
- Use a #GoGoldAndGrayEveryDay profile frame on Facebook (simply search “ChadTough”). Take it one step further and make your profile photo grayscale, too!
- Grab some merchandise featuring our new logo!
- Register for RunTough
- Ask your social network if they are #ToughEnough to go gray in May.
Thank you for continuing to fight alongside us to #DefeatDIPG.
Tammi & Jason Carr and Jenny & Mark Mosier